Survey on NA’s Response to the Pandemic

PR Survey from NAWS:

The NA Fellowship has gotten a lot of positive attention for our rapid response to the Covid-19 shut-downs. A couple of researchers, who have been great allies to NA, reached out to us to about surveying members. Their goal is to have enough data to present the story of NA’s effective response to the pandemic to other professionals. This kind of research can increase the program’s visibility and perceived viability to professionals who are able to refer addicts to NA.

We have posted a survey from these researchers on You can also reach the page through the button on the NA Meeting Search app. Please remember that we did not write this survey; it may contain language that seems odd to you because it was written by researchers. We have never posted a survey like this, from outside NA, for any member who wishes to participate, but this seems like a great opportunity to help improve NA’s public image. Please consider filling out the survey and helping us to spread the word.


Since the Covid-19 crisis began, we have used our website and emails like these to keep members updated, and we have held Conference participant web meetings and even part one of a partial, virtual World Service Conference, but we haven’t provided a more extended update through a NAWS publication until now. Last week, we posted an issue of NAWS News Our paper publications are suspended for the time being; we are continuing to publish online exclusively. We’ve kept the issue relatively short so that it can more easily be translated and so that we can try to publish updates more frequently.

As always, don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions:

Yours in service,

World Board

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